Tonight’s Lesson from Ascended Master Yeshua / Jesus is this:
We will proceed here please with tonight’s Lesson which involves my opinion on your world’s relationship with your environment.
I will begin by saying that your relationship with your natural world is quite lacking in many ways. Your children spend little time outdoors, it appears. And most adults rarely venture out for extended periods of time to enjoy the sights and sounds and energy found there.
I will also note that your care for your environment has decreased as you live more and more within your homes, and your careers have less and less to do with nature, animals and plant life.
This is not good for your body or soul, I feel. The wonders of this planet Earth are many and varied. There are vast amounts of wonderful views – mountains, waterways, forests, much interesting animal life, plus the wide variety of plants and flowers and more. These are to be enjoyed, cherished, and protected by humanity. Not all worlds are so greatly blessed in these ways.
There are worlds that have only a fraction of your amount of water. There are some that are frozen, over vast stretches, and are unlivable for any creature. Some have poisonous atmospheres and human-like beings cannot survive there.
Therefore, your beautiful, water-filled world is looked upon enviously by many who do not understand your failure to treasure all of these wonderful gifts given to you by Creator Source.
Again, I urge you in the strongest terms to contact all in your government – at all levels – and loudly protest the desecration of your natural resources. The time grows very short before disastrous consequences occur here that will permanently affect all future generations.
. . . I believe I will conclude here for tonight, my dear friend Ellen.
Ellen: Things are moving very slowly in our efforts to clean up this world, and enact stricter laws. What if we’re too late with all of this?
I will say there exists in The Field the possibility that your rising oceans and seas will obliterate most coastal cities of the world and their populations. Also, as your climate continues to warm, your current fertile farming lands will turn to desert. Thus, the population of this world will decline by 80 – 90% as very little fertile areas will remain to feed your people. There is also a plan to put the remaining cities under domes to protect them from acid rain and other pollutants. As your forests are decimated, the oxygen levels will start to decline which will lead to the deaths of many – human, animal, insects and more. This chain reaction will quickly overwhelm all of your present systems and utter devastation will result.
Ellen: This paints a devastating picture. We will do all we can to prevent the scenario from manifesting. Thank you, Master Yeshua.
You are quite welcome.